
How To Make Cannabutter In A Mason Jar

Marijuana leaves next to stick of butter

Ane of the easiest and best ways to melt with cannabis is to mix upward your ain batch of Instant Pot cannabutter.

Cannabutter is merely what information technology sounds similar: butter that contains THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids. And because it's basically butter, y'all can use it instead of regular butter in all your favorite recipes.

In this article, the all-things-cannabis experts at Honest Marijuana give you step-by-step instructions for making weed butter in your Instant Pot.

An Introduction To The Instant Pot®

Instant Pot used for making cannabutter

An Instant Pot® is a seven-in-1 appliance that takes the place of the following kitchen items:

  • Pressure cooker
  • Sauté pan
  • Steamer
  • Slow Cooker
  • Rice Cooker
  • Warmer
  • Yogurt maker

To brand Instant Pot cannabutter, we're actually only concerned with the force per unit area cooker, slow cooker/steamer, and warmer features.

And then if your Instant Pot can't make yogurt, don't worry, the other features will suffice.

A Note Nearly Size

Instant Pots come up in three different sizes:

  • 3 quart
  • half dozen quart
  • 8 quart

Our recipe uses the 6-quart model, and it's worth noting that the jars we utilize will not fit in the 3-quart model.

If the iii-quart is all you have, in that location's no demand to run out and buy a larger model (those things are expensive, human being). Only half the recipe and utilize a smaller canning jar.

Instant Pot Cannabutter Isn't Just Raw Weed And Butter

marijuana for making instant pot cannabutter

Unfortunately, cooking with cannabis isn't as simple as measuring out a tablespoon of your favorite strain into the cookies, marinara sauce, brownies, or waffles.

It takes a bit more than processing to reap the cannabutter rewards.

Beginning, raw weed is not psychoactive. Your body tin't process the raw marijuana plant matter in a style that would get the cannabinoids into your bloodstream.

At best, your trunk would just assimilate the found matter as it would any other leafy green. At worst, your trunk may reject the raw institute affair, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, and other stomach bug.

To actuate the psychedelic and hurting-fighting properties of cannabis, y'all showtime have to decarboxylate your buds. We'll show you how to do that in the adjacent section.

Second, raw weed tastes bad.

That flavor can seriously bear on the taste of annihilation you put it in. You don't want to ruin your delicious chocolate flake cookie recipe with the bitter, foul-tasting stuff that was supposed to make your 24-hour interval better.

Thankfully, making cannabutter is super like shooting fish in a barrel. Non quite as like shooting fish in a barrel as simply dumping basis bud into the mix, just pretty close.

Here'southward a quick and like shooting fish in a barrel recipe for the just butter y'all'll ever use again.

Instant Pot Cannabutter Recipe

cookies made with instant pot cannabutter next to marijuana buds


  • Instant Pot
  • ½ ounce of your favorite herb
  • 1 cup of butter (unremarkably a single stick)
  • Grinder
  • one-pint (xvi ounce) canning jar
  • 2 canning jar lids (the flat discs)
  • 1 or two canning jar rings (the things that screw on over top the lids)
  • Canning rack or several rings
  • H2o
  • Oven mitts
  • Strainer or cheesecloth
  • Mixing bowls
  • Pan
  • Stove or microwave
  • Half-pint (viii ounce) canning jar for storage
  • Hat for storage jar


Decarb Your Weed

  1. Grind up ½ ounce of your favorite weed.
  2. Place ground weed in the canning jar.
  3. Place a canning lid and ring on the jar and close to finger tight.
  4. Place a canning rack or canning ring in the bottom of Instant Pot to drag the jar off the lesser.
  5. Cascade h2o into the Instant Pot until it reaches the heart of the jar.
  6. Close the chapeau of the Instant Pot.
  7. Set to Pressure Cook  on high for 40 minutes.
  8. When the bike is complete, manually release the pressure level. (Careful! The steam will exist hot.)
  9. Don your oven mitts and remove the jar from the Instant Pot.
  10. Place the hot jar on a towel, cutting board, or other heat-resistant surface to absurd.

Cook The Cannabutter

  1. When the canning jar is absurd enough to handle with your bare easily, remove the ring and hat.
  2. Cook 1 cup of butter in the microwave or on the stove.
  3. Pour melted butter into the canning jar (don't fill the jar much more than halfway).
  4. Stir to distribute the cannabis throughout the butter.
  5. Place a new lid on the jar, cover with a canning ring (the aforementioned 1 you lot used to decarb your weed is fine), and shut to finger tight.
  6. Set the canning jar on a rack or ring in the bottom of the Instant Pot.
  7. Pour water into the Instant Pot until information technology reaches the middle of the jar.
  8. Close the lid of the Instant Pot.
  9. Brand certain the Go along Warm setting is on.
  10. Set to Pressure level Melt  on high for 20 minutes.
  11. When the cycle is washed, permit the Instant Pot to release the pressure naturally for xl minutes while the Keep Warm setting is on.
  12. Don your oven mitts once more and remove the jar to absurd.
  13. When the jar and band are cool plenty to handle with bare easily, remove the ring and lid.
  14. NOTE: Because the jar and its contents were under pressure, the butter may "spray" a bit when y'all crack the lid.
  15. Pour the cannabutter through a strainer or cheesecloth into a mixing bowl or directly into the one-half-pint canning jar (you lot may demand a funnel for that) to remove plant affair.
  16. Feel free to clasp the cheesecloth or press on the strainer to go all the butter, only you lot may inadvertently push some of the bad-tasting plant affair through.
  17. Put the hat on the storage jar and place it in the refrigerator to absurd.

That'due south it! You've made your ain Instant Pot cannabutter. Now it'south time to bask the fruits of your labor.

How Much Instant Pot Cannabutter Should You Utilise?

coffee mug, laptop, apple, toast with butter

The ultimate potency of your cannabutter depends on a number of factors, including:

  • How long it cooked
  • The temperature at which it cooked
  • The strength of the strain you used

To observe out how much cannabutter to use without going overboard, we recommend starting with ¼ teaspoon on a pocket-sized piece of staff of life. See how that amount affects you, then increase or decrease from there.

For more data on finding the right dose (whether it be for smoking, eating, or something else), cheque out these helpful manufactures:

  • Go The Right THC Dose: The Honest Marijuana Guide
  • Honest Marijuana CBD Dosage Reckoner

Cooking With Cannabutter

cubes of cannabutter on top of a pile of flour

Cooking with cannabutter is a fun and constructive — not to mention piece of cake — way to include THC or CBD (or both) in your daily routine without drawing a lot of attention to yourself.

But exist warned: the effects of eating marijuana differ drastically from the effects of smoking it.

Onset Fourth dimension

Yous'll yet get loftier or feel less pain. But, with edibles, those effects tin can accept anywhere from 30 to 190 minutes to kick in.

Aye, y'all read that right, it tin can take up to three hours for you lot to become loftier from a cannabis edible. That'southward a long time to wait.

In that location is an upside to this delay though. When compared to smoking, you won't need nearly as much weed to achieve the aforementioned effects.


When you gyre a typical articulation, you use near 0.5 grams (or 500 milligrams for those who like larger numbers). A proficient starting point for ingesting cannabis is 0.001 grams (or ane milligram).

That's quite a bit less and illustrates just how strong the furnishings can be when you lot swallow cannabis.

So effort not to become impatient and eat more when you don't feel annihilation right away. You'll only set yourself upwardly for a bad ride.


The feel of eating marijuana-laced food has a trend to exist a lot more intense because your body digests the cannabinoids directly into your bloodstream instead of "filtering" them in your lungs.

That means it'due south a lot easier to have too much and experience the paranoia, anxiety, nausea, hangover, and full general bad feelings that result.

For best results, start minor and wearisome. And endeavor not to go too high too fast or the experience may plough y'all off of edibles for good…and that would be a shame.

Desire more data about marijuana edibles? Read these informative articles for a wealth of knowledge on the subject:

  • Edibles vs. Smoking: The Definitive Marijuana Guide
  • How To Make Edibles: The Honest Way
  • Weed Edibles: Your Complete Guide
  • Cannabis Stalk Tea:  What It Is And How To Make It
  • Cannabis Coffee: How To Add THC To Your Coffee
  • Hemp Milk: What It Is And 8 Crawly Benefits
  • How to Brand Cannabis Infused Honey The Honest Way

The Best Cannabutter Is Made With High-Quality Organic Weed

Honest Marijuana products

It's truthful, yous can employ whatsoever old strain to make Instant Pot cannabutter, merely low-quality bud is going to produce a low-quality final product.

And that will affect every other step in the edibles procedure — from the taste of the pie you bake to the psychoactive and physical effects you lot feel.

And so now that you know how to make cannabutter in your Instant Pot, use the best bud you tin can get your easily on — the strain doesn't matter — and then that the end consequence doesn't leave you disappointed.

Honest Marijuana logo

Plus, with a high-quality, organic strain like those grown at Honest Marijuana, y'all'll need even less cannabutter to experience the aforementioned effects. A little volition go a long way.

Talk to the budtenders at your local dispensary to find out what strains they recommend. If you lot alive in Colorado, find some Honest Marijuana and discover what the purest marijuana experience on the planet feels like.

Yous won't be sorry.

For more data on all things cannabis and to check out our 100-percent all-natural marijuana products, visit today.


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