
How Cold Should It Be Outside To Have A Fire


  • #1

And then I'one thousand sitting hither in northeastern PA and the outside temp is only nearly 52 and rainy. Given it'due south Christmas weekend I would like to have a burn, but with outside temps still loftier we can easily get cooked out of the family room. How low practise your outside temps demand to be in order to start called-for?

  • #two

Outside temp is not a cistron. How cold the lady is counts.

  • #three

Exterior temperatures are Irrelevant. We alive inside. When inside temps fall into the 60s it's a trouble. Yes, that means starting a fire when outside temps are also in the 60s.

  • #5

Yup. If information technology's rainy and chilly it'south fire time. If it gets to warm permit the burn get out.

  • #6

If I am cold, I light a burn down.

I may pay attention to whether or not the temps are forecast to rise . . . especially in the early Fall and late Spring . . . and burn accordingly (i.east. run a small load, use my "junk" forest (punks, chunks and uglies), etc.)


  • #8

I'm due south of you in Virginia but same weather little warmer. My wife is sitting on the burrow with the coating up to her chin at 72 inside. I reckon somewhere around 50 if the temp is falling from a warmer mean solar day is where I like to showtime. That said day after day of 50 degrees the burn down keeps rolling.

Thanks for the replies anybody...I guess I'll calorie-free a fire:)

  • #9

I agree with the folks above. If we feel cold, we make a burn in the stove. Today it was 62 and rainy and my wife had the stove going and information technology was 80 degrees in the firm when I got dwelling. I'm in shorts and she's warm and happy so all is well.

  • #11

If information technology goes upper 60s/upper 40s for a couple days, it's starting to drib into the 60s in the business firm and it's about time to burn up. I might agree out until mid 60s room temp at the start of the season, trying to delay the inevitable, but once regular burning sets in I don't mostly let it get below 68 unless I get lazy and don't reload in time.

  • #12

When the outside temps fall into super-cold Siberian freezing-to-death temperatures. In other words, anything around 50 degrees or lower.

  • #14

50s here in South Jersey today and the married woman is cold and so naturally I fired up the stove. Lol

Same hither.

  • #15

I experience for you guys.:confused: With such warm temperatures!

It'll exist somewhere between 0 to -5f here tonight. Chilly out. Both stoves are earning their keep!

  • #18

I'm loving this weather for the holidays. I like it a little chilly out. Espescially for Christmas.

  • #nineteen

I start called-for when the living room hits 68!! Or my wife tells me to whatever comes showtime

That's pretty much the same policy hither...and who cares if it gets too hot? That'south why the good Lord created windows!

  • #20

Much like everyone else, if information technology's a fleck dank and damp indoors, we fire that puppy up.....outside makes no divergence. We have family unit staying over the holiday, so we are by and large called-for fuel oil with the thermostats at 68*F, otherwise we'd be called-for wood and 80+ in the firm.

  • #21

nosotros are generally burning fuel oil with the thermostats at 68*F

68?!!? My Floridian wife would be weeping frozen tears at that temp!

  • #23

Correlating to outside temps results in a pretty wide swing based on homes insulation, solar gain, etc. I am usually agree off to much cooler inside temps earlier I fire up a stove, letting the house get down to about 60ยบ. But my house cools down pretty quick with the exterior temp (poor insulation/leaky). The fellow sitting adjacent to me at work went like a whole month afterwards until he turned on his thermostat in his top flooring apartment - he said his walls shared with the other neighbors were still pretty warm!

  • #24

If my firm ever got downward to anywhere near 60f it'd magically transform into a bachelor pad.

My house dropped from 80 to 70 on the thermostat on the wall near the bedrooms. And the moaning and groaning is very real this morning. Up and at em and both fires stoked up toot de suite!

We striking the -five overnight. It's crisp this morning!

  • #25

How low do your outside temps demand to exist in club to commencement burning?

Insulation and available thermal mass make a lot of divergence, so what works for i house will not for another even in the aforementioned climate.

In our case, highs for the day must be no more upper 40's to light even a single burn a day. I tin't burn down 24/7 unless lows drop into the 30's, and even and so it might exist just two loads a day. Correct now it is 25 deg. outside and windy, but it is noon and I volition not showtime a second load for at to the lowest degree another hr.


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