Lisbon to Ericeira by Public Transport

Lisbon to Ericeira

Getting from Lisbon to Ericeira by public transport is usually quite piece of cake and fast. Buses run about in one case every hr from Campo Grande – the main bus last in Lisbon.

Depending on which passenger vehicle you take the journeying will last between 45 min and 1h 30 min. The fast buses accept the highway all the way, while the tedious buses will take the country road and brand lots of stops on the way. Depending on which day, the last bus for Ericeira leaves onetime between eleven and 12 pm.

The cost for a one-mode journey is 6.50 Eur. If you comport a board bag or any other luggage y'all can easily store it in the luggage compartment of the charabanc without extra charge.

The Coach Time Table

Yous tin download the  bus time table here. Even so, to be able to view the download link on your phone, you lot need to minimize the screen with your fingers, as the website doesn't adjust for mobile phones. You tin also view the bus schedule by downloading the mafrense app to your phone.

One time you go far to the Ericeira bus terminal, the all-time way to go to your accommodation is to use Uber, Commodities (aforementioned as Uber but normally a bit cheaper) or a local taxi company. Ericeira 24h existence our personal favorite among the local taxi companies

Getting to Campo Grande from the Drome

getting to ericeira from campo grande
Traditional Anecdote Seller at Campo Grande – Lisbon Passenger vehicle Terminal

The easiest way to go to Campo Grande from the airport past public send is to accept the subway. Beginning you have it to the Alameda Station. At Alameda you switch to the green line towards Campo Grande. You should calculate with up to 45 min for the journey.

Lisbon to Ericeira by Car

Going by highway the car journey from Lisbon to Ericeira takes between 30- 45 min. For a normal machine the road toll is 2.90 Eur. When you rent a automobile you lot usually pay a piffling bit extra to have the automatic road cost system called Via Verde. With this attached to your auto, you lot can simply pass straight through the route tolls and pay them later.

If you don't take Via Verde on your car, you should make sure to carry change. We've heard of people getting stuck at the road tolls in the middle of the night due to road toll credit carte readers being unable to read strange credit cards.

You can also avert the road cost past going to Ericeira on the non-highway route. Withal, then your journeying will accept you 1h +. If y'all are planning on route tripping in Portugal, you volition really notice that this is the Portuguese manner of doing it. The (at some places) expensive high way road tolls are often reflected in heavily trafficked smaller roads and close to empty highways.

To bulldoze the Portuguese way, you just cull avert road tolls on google maps, and follow the directions.

Lisbon to Ericeira by Uber or Commodities

Some other great way of getting from Lisbon to Ericeira is to employ the applications Uber or Bolt. Commodities is the cheaper version of Uber here in Portugal. The price with bolt should be effectually 30 – 40 Euros and the Uber price forty-50 Euros.